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Contributing Effectively in T3 2023

Welcome to T3 2023, we are eager to see the excellent work that would be produced at the end of this trimester. This document provides information to guide every member of Company in contributing effectively to their various products.

T3 2023 Calendar

This trimester is a fast tracked one and comprises of only 6 weeks of intensive work. We advise that every student gets up to speed quickly so they can start making valuable contributions to the company.

SprintStart DateEnd Date
Sprint 16 – Nov - 202319 - Nov 2023
Sprint 220 – Nov - 20233 – Dec - 2023
Sprint 34 – Dec - 202317 – Dec - 2023

T3 Cakendar

Company Products and Mentors

By the end of week 1, it is expected that everyone has been assigned to a team and has engaged with the product leads and mentors. In any product/team you find yourself ensure that you follow the rules and guidelines of the team. Only 3 Company products would be worked on this trimester because of the limited time and manpower. The products and respective mentors are listed below.

  1. Ontrack: Daniel Maddern
  2. SplashKit: Olivia McKeon
  3. Company Operations: Amin Abken

For every product, the mentors would hold at least 2 meetings weekly, and this would also serve as the products weekly meetings were every member of the team converges to discuss the product objective, populate Trello board, assign tasks, and discuss any roadblocks or impediments.

Contributing and Producing Acceptable Evidence

Useful tips to contributing in your assigned teams

  • The outcome of every task assigned to you would be required to be published to your teams GitHub repo. The GitHub link for every product can be found by clicking the product here.
  • To ensure you are accurately publishing to GitHub, review the GitHub policy here.
  • All documents are written in Markdown.
  • Tasks would be assigned to you via the Trello board.
  • When you raise a Pull request, it would be reviewed by another student after which it would be assigned to your product mentor to approve and merge.

Providing acceptable evidence

This trimester every evidence provided must have an associated Pull Request. Some ways to ensure you can produce acceptable evidence are.

  1. Any research work should be documented using our Spike template and published to your products GitHub repo. The Spike Pla Template can be found here
  2. Any solution testing performed (whether successful or not) should be documented using our Spike template. The Spike Outcome Template can be found here
  3. Any change to a product in development or production stage should be pushed to the relevant GitHub repo.
  4. Document all hours in your personal worklog. Every student must complete a minimum of 120 hours to pass the unit.