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Introducing the Thoth Tech Blog!

Welcome to our brand new blog! On this page, you will be able to find all the latest in Thoth Tech news and updates!

How do we use it?

To create a post on the blog, just create a markdown file and add it to the blog folder under /src/content/docs/blog/ and add the following items to the header:

  • Title (just a basic overview of the post)
  • Date (the date of your post. It needs to be formatted YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Author / Authors (some basic information about you)
Here is an example header, taken straight from this post
title: Introducing the Thoth Tech Blog!
date: 2023-11-21
- name: Quinn Curtis
title: Senior Company Operations Member

As you can see, under authors there are a few subheadings. Name is the only mandatory field, but to keep things clear and easy for everyone, please at least add your title, but feel free to add in a picture as well. Your GitHub profile picture is probably the easiest option. Just drag it from your profile to another tab and copy the URL.

Still having issues? Check out this handy video tutorial I’ve made to get you started: